This review will look at each game in the series individually, examine it's strengths and weaknesses and how it progresses the series, as well as attempt to examine the evolution of the trilogy as a whole. A few things that should be noted:
1. The earliest BioWare game I ever played was Knights of the Old Republic. So if in this review I ever make a sweeping blanket statement such as, ". . . was the best thing BioWare ever did," what I actually mean to say is, ". . . was the best thing BioWare did since KOTOR."
2. I played the entire trilogy on the Normal difficulty. I play games to have fun. So if I comment that a certain aspect of the gameplay was too easy, that's because I'm not crazy and didn't try it on Insanity.
3. Beware of SPOILERS!

The original Mass Effect was pretty groundbreaking for it's time. The advent of the dialogue wheel allowed for a fully voiced cast and a more cinematic feel than had previously been achievable in video games. Most of the criticism it received was about it's clunky controls and rampant texture popping, but most agreed it was a worthy effort and well worth your time.
Purists are quick to say that this game has the best story in the series, and I'm inclined to agree with them. It stays pretty true to what I call the "BioWare formula." Nearly all BioWare games share the same basic dramatic structure:
- Act I
- Routine mission goes horribly wrong
- Threat is revealed
- Main Quest is given
- Protagonist is inducted into an elite organization in hopes of ending the Threat
- Act II
- Travel to various locations
- each location contains a single piece of the puzzle necessary to completing the Main Quest
- At some point, there will be a direct confrontation with the Primary Antagonist
- during this confrontation, the true nature of the Threat is revealed
- Act III
- The Lowest Point, in which it appears the Protagonist has failed beyond all hope
- Protagonist redoubles their efforts and receives a Boon
- the Boon often takes the form of the last bit of information needed to ending the Threat, but it also can be an ally or a weapon
- Final Mission, in which:
- Primary Antagonist is overcome
- Threat is ended
- Main Quest is completed
- Protagonist effectively saves the day
And ME1 does it masterfully! I just about shit my pants the first time I became a Spectre. I was so proud of myself; I wanted to go out and tell random people that I was the first human Spectre. Beyond the formula, this game's story does a couple of things really well:
It's the perfect introduction into the Mass Effect Universe (and yes, I know the game takes place in a single galaxy; when I say Universe here, I'm referring to the metaphysical space in which the Mass Effect series exists). Everything that happens tells you something new about this Universe that you are exploring for the first time. Every character you talk to, from that first Volus you meet on the Citadel to Vigil on Ilos, reveals a new detail. By the time you get to the end, you realize that this galaxy is rich and diverse, and worth saving.
And it establishes that your choices matter. This is the main theme of the entire series. Almost all the big decisions feel weighty and important. It's easy to see how many of these choices will have a lasting effect. The mission of Virmire establishes the precedent that sometimes there's no right choice. The morality system in this game is not as clear cut as it's been in previous BioWare games. Who didn't sit there for at least ten minutes trying to decide between Kaden or Ashley? I know I did. I probably paced the room, too. Choices matter. And by the end, you really feel like you've made a difference, for better or worse.
All Mass Effect games have three basic types of gameplay: talking, shooting, and exploring. I will cover them all here. Since this is the first game in the series, I'll mostly just be giving an overview of what this game did.
Dialogue was kind of a big deal when this game came out. Sure, other games had been fully voiced before, but this was the first time you could actually carry out a conversation. The dialogue wheel, as opposed to the more traditional text-based mechanics, was a simple, creative solution that allowed scenes to play out in a more fluid, cinematic fashion without removing control from the player. This type of gameplay remains as innovative today as it was when the game was first released.
If anyone complained about ME1, it was probably about the shooting mechanics. Controls were clunky and sluggish. The cover system was more-or-less broken. And I agree that it's clunky and broken, but I also kind of like it. See, I think most people look at this game and they think they see a shooter. It certainly looks like one, but it's not. It's a turn-based combat simulator that plays out in real-time. I know that "turn-based" and "real-time" don't really sound like they go together, but this isn't the first time BioWare had done this. KOTOR played out in real-time, but used a turn-based system; your character's stats affected how often you could attack and what kind of damage you'd do. ME1 does it in a similar way. The "how fast you can attack" part is built directly into your gun. You have to time your attacks so that your gun doesn't over-heat. That sounds a lot like a power cool-down timer to me. You increase your damage and accuracy by putting skill points into a certain weapons group. That means that players don't have to rely on their twitch-based shooter skills. Being good at Halo doesn't make you good at this game, maintaining your character's stats and their inventory makes you good at it! It may not be the most exciting way to shoot things, but it wasn't designed to be. It was designed to be slow and strategic. It put the emphasis on the characters and making good decisions (the major theme of the series!) rather than the player's skill.
And if you really didn't like shooting people, you could always choose a biotic or tech based class instead. So . . . yeah.
Okay, let's be honest, the Mass Effect trilogy did a lot of things right, but exploring was never one of them. And I can understand their conundrum. Exploration is one of the major elements in any RPG, but in these games you have an entire galaxy to explore! How do you do that in an efficient way that's also interesting and exciting?
ME1 tried it this way: you can land on various planets and roll around them in your armored vehicle. Sounds cool in theory, but after a while, you start to recognize a pattern. There's only about three things to do on every planet. You can mine for resources, you can visit crash sites to collect random alien shit, and you can fight some random mercenaries in a base. At least in this game there was a chance for some loot.
Speaking of which, this is probably the best time to point out that ME1 is the only game in the series that had an acceptable loot system. I'm tired of these non-core gamers complaining that their inventories are too complicated. If it takes me less than an hour to organize my inventory and pimp out my crew with the best gear after every mission, then your loot system isn't worth its salt. That's one of the reasons why I play RPG's, to see what shit I found and if I can use it! Okay, end of rant.
BioWare games often place a lot of emphasis on characters and your relationships with them. And there's always a few companions in there that are romanceable, if you treat them right. Deep down, I'm kind of a sap, so I'll be giving my thoughts on each of the romances. Well, not each. I never played FemShep, so I won't be touching on the romances exclusive to her.
The Ashley romance in this game is one of my favorites. When most video games try to handle relationships, they tend to feel very forced. The Ashley romance feels more natural. You don't just hook up with her because she's hot, nor does she swoon over you because you're the "hero." This relationship is about two people getting to know each other, learning about their strengths and weakness, and eventually accepting the other for who they are, and then realizing you care for them, regardless.
This is one of those more forced relationships I was talking about. You know, you just meet her for the first time ever, rescue her five minutes later, and immediately she's interested. It just feels rushed. However, the psychic bond that's established goes a long way to alleviating that. And her innocent naiveté makes her pretty endearing. This is also the beginning of one of the more interesting and complete character arcs in the series.
One of my favorite video games ever!
This game is highly recognized as one of the greatest games on the current console generation. And for good reason. It took many of it's predecessor's successes and improved upon them, creating a fully realized, player controlled, cinematic experience. It also fulfilled the promise that what you did in ME1 would matter in ME2. However, this game is not perfect, and I feel for as many improvements as it made, it also took a few steps backwards.
I think the greatest achievement of ME2 is that it actually worked. The first game promised that your individual choices would affect the second game, and to many a gamer's surprise, they did! Some of these affects were small, changing no more than a single conversation or an email, but others opened up new side quests, and the big ones altered the state of the entire galactic civilization. Regardless of what you did, the plot of ME2 remains the same, but the devil is in the details. And as players progress through the story, they'll begin to see their imprint on individuals as well as the entire galaxy.
If you look at the Mass Effect series as a single three-act story, each game being one act, then ME2 is the second act in the story. That's usually when a the Protagonist enters a new world, often the opposite of what was previously established. This game does that by removing Shepard from his element and exposing him to the dark underbelly of the galaxy. The Terminus Systems were mostly off limits in the last game, and now they're your base of operations. Cerberus was an organization you were actively fighting, and now you're working with them.
But the best thing this story does is character development. This game is really just one, big character study. Your total number of companions is increased by 50%, and almost all of them are more complex and layered than the previous ones. Nearly every major quest is about either acquiring a new friend or aiding an existing one. To fully survive the Suicide Mission, you'll have to get to know and spend time with every single member of your crew. And as you do so, you start to see a little bit of Shepard reflected back at you. By interacting with your crew, you gain a deeper understanding of your own character.
My biggest gripe about the story is the Antagonist, or perhaps lack thereof. ME2 is a much more focused experience, so it tends to lose sight of the bigger picture. The Reapers are only mentioned from time to time, and you're just kind of crossing your fingers that the Collector Threat is related to them. And anyone who suggests that Harbinger was a better villain than Saren is crazy, because Harbinger isn't an actual character. He's a faceless, threat-less plot devise. Sure, he can "assume control" of his pawns, but that just means that every time you defeat him, you lose a little bit of respect for his power.
This could have been fixed with just giving a little more interaction with the Collectors. The game never lets you do anything besides shoot at them. Can you image getting to talk to one? Do you think Shepard even realizes that Harbinger is doing his control thing? This game is just begging for a scene where you get to talk to a Collector, and then realize that you're actually talking to a Reaper. I mean, how cool would that be?! Something like that would be fun, interesting, and reward players by making them feel like they solved a mystery.
On a random, yet final, note: I really like the character EDI, but was a little annoyed at how she was often used as a plot devise. It just seems like whenever something needed to happen, EDI would just do it. She calibrated the defense towers on Horizon, she guided you through the Collector ship, she fed you ever scrap of information needed to recruit every single companion. I mean, some of these things might have been interesting conflicts that really increased the tension if Shepard would have had to look for his own solutions. But instead EDI takes care of everything. Thanks.
ME1's dialogue system was innovative, but ME2 takes that same system and absolutely perfects it. The camera is now much more dynamic. Where before, most conversations took place in shot/reverse shot, now the camera will cut to a more varied shot list, and often find more interesting angles. It will often peek through equipment or a hologram present in the environment. Not only does this increase the overall cinematic feel of the game, it also highlights the dramatic graphical improvements it made. This game is beautiful, and just fun to watch.
It further enhanced the dialogue system with the introduction of Paragon/Renegade Interrupts. Sometimes during a conversation, an icon will start to flash in the corner of the screen. This means that you can press a button to literally interrupt the conversation. It also usually means that something badass is about to happen. These interrupts are used to save lives, console friends, trash bad guys, and generally show the galaxy how awesome you are. If Shepard has to interrupt someone, it's probably for a pretty damn good reason. This mechanic is just one more element of control in an already amazing system.
This game does away with the old, clunky combat in exchange for more traditional shooter mechanics. At first, I was a bit disappointed by this decision, because it made the game feel more like an action title then an RPG. But I was delighted that they came up with an in-story reason for why the guns work differently. And it doesn't hurt that the controls are pretty tight, and the combat is genuinely fun.
What's more disappointing is the level design. Most of the combat environments are just claustrophobic, little hallways. And there's a clear divide between areas where you talk to people and areas where you shoot at people. It's much less open, in both art design and gameplay.
Remember Feros, back in ME1? That area started out with a small firefight outside the colony, then you went into the colony and talked to some people, then you went around the area solving problems (which involved both talking and shoot), drove the Mako around, talked to a scientist, shot some Geth, then went back to the colony for more talking and shooting. If that area had been in ME2, it would have had a room where you talk to the colonist, then it would load a long hallway where you shoot at Geth to get to the other end, then it would load a new room where you find what you're looking for. After that, it would send you back to the room with the colonists where you'd talk about what you found. Everything is just clearly segmented. The moment you enter a new environment, you're pretty certain whether you'll be talking to people or shooting them. That wasn't the case in the first game.
Starting to see what I mean about for every improvement there's also a step backwards?
The Mako is gone, so no more planetary exploration missions. Instead, you'll just be scanning every planet to come across from your ship in hopes of fining mineral resources. These resources are needed to upgrade weapons, armor, and - most importantly - you ship. You'll need every ship upgrade if you hope to fully survive the Suicide Mission. This makes planet scanning a somewhat tolerable annoyance, but nothing more. There's no joy in exploring a new area or uncovering a lost treasure.
I wish there was loot in this game. I really, really miss the loot.
The only problem with the romances in this game is that your previous love interest is never able to join your crew. This leaves the player with a difficult decision, either wait it out in hopes of being reunited with your love in the third game, or move on to someone new, which may or may not have consequences later on.
I thought Ash and I would last forever. After all, I had fully accepted her for who she was, including her laundry list of character flaws, and I thought she had fully accepted me. Imagine my surprise when she all but accuses me of being a terrorist for working with Cerberus. I'm just trying to save the galaxy here, and could honestly use a little support, but she's having none of it. Her brief exchange affectively ends the relationship, in my opinion. But more on that later.
Liara is the exact opposite of Ashley in this game, and just as surprising. She has been unflinchingly loyal to you, despite the fact that you've been dead for two years. In fact, she's partly responsible for bringing you back to life. Think about it, you died, and everyone else (naturally) went their separate ways. But not Liara. She said, "No, I'm going to get him back." That's pretty comforting, even if you weren't in a relationship with her. It's kind of disappointing that she can't join you on your current mission, but she makes up for it later.
This is one of the more shallow romances in the series, in my opinion. Nothing happens that makes me feel Shepard and Miranda actually care for each other. It's feels more like they're using each other. It's like in high school when the quarterback dates the head cheerleader, you know, because they have to. With Miranda being so oversensitive about her genes, you'd think it'd be more helpful for Shepard to stay out of her pants. However, I can't blame him for being . . . distracted by her presence.
I always liked Tali. I was extremely happy to see her return to my crew, and even more so to see that I could now romance her. Courting Tali felt a lot like that childhood friend that you suddenly wanted to take it to the next step with. It was kind of awkward at first, but in the end, "totally worth it." It breaks my heart every time I play a campaign where I don't intend to romance her, and I have to ignore her advances.
I never romanced Jack. I guess she's just not my type. From what I've heard, the only thing that I don't like is the implication that you can "fix" her via a romance. But that's made up for ME3.
Lair of the Shadow Broker
This is the single best piece of DLC that I've ever played for any game. It expands the story, introduces new locations, and reunites characters, not to mention that it looks great and plays amazingly well! I love the car chase gameplay (because every Sci-fi series needs a hover car chase). And to be honest, before I played this, I wasn't really planning on taking a Liara romance all the way to ME3, but this DLC convinced me that I'd really be missing out if I didn't do that. It also fills in some pretty important gaps for her character between the second and third game. This is a must have for any Mass Effect play-through.
The Arrival
Overall, this DLC is kind of boring. It's mostly just gunning through enemies. And the fact that your squad can't join you is rather disappointing, and a bit out of left field for such a character heavy game. However, you do get to talk to a Reaper at the end, which is always cool. And it's vital to understanding why ME3 begins the way it does. It's not my favorite DLC, but if you're a fan of the series, you should probably check it out.
It's strengths vastly outweigh it's weaknesses. An amazing addition to the series!

The final game in the Mass Effect trilogy released to rave reviews, but received mixed impressions from the fans. Most acknowledge the games technical achievements, but many argue that it is not a fulfilling conclusion to a story they've been engrossed in for so many years. The debate still rages on today, despite BioWare's attempt to appease its fans. Personally, I think it's a good game, but ultimately the weakest in the series.
I think that much of the controversy that surrounds the ending is misguided. People say they like the game, except for the last ten minutes, but what they don't realize is that the whole story is wrong. They blame the ending, but the problems truly start at the very beginning.
The moment I started playing ME3, I knew that something was wrong. Remember the formula? What's the first thing that happens in a BioWare game? A routine mission goes horribly wrong. ME2 pulled this off perfectly: you're flying around space just looking for Geth, and then a mystery ship comes out of nowhere and you fucking die! What's the first thing happens in ME3? People are talking . . . about things you should already know. Then you kind of . . . stand around, and talk some more about the things you already know. Then the Reapers show up. Okay, that's kind of exciting. But there's no build up! There's no Oh, shit! moment where you realize that everything's about to get fucked. The end of the world is upon us, and everyone's acting pretty casually.
So the plan is to go to the Citadel and get the Council to fight the Reapers. Wait, that doesn't make any sense. This might take awhile, so hang in there with me on this one:
Okay, remember how I compared the trilogy to a single three-act story (people do this with Star Wars all the time)? Well, another way to think of three acts is to call them Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. The first act (Thesis) is the introduction, the status quo. Act two (Antithesis) is the upside down world, where the hero explores new territory. The third act (Synthesis) is where the hero takes what they've gained from their experiences in the second act and brings it back to the status quo of the first act, and affects change for the better.
I went through all of that because working with the Council makes no sense at all! You did that already in the first game, and it didn't work. Shepard has no reason to believe that the Council will help, or that their help would do him any good. Why? Because the experience he gained in the second act, in ME2, is that he can accomplish his goals by operating outside of traditional channels. The Illusive Man taught him that; he accomplished the impossible, and he did it on his terms. Shepard is now free of TIM's shady influence, and should be looking to save the galaxy - again - on his own terms.
When I first finished playing ME2 I hypothesized that in the third game Shepard would be working for the Shadow Broker. I thought this for two reasons. 1) access to new resources and intel that will be vital to stopping the Reapers, and 2) a new organization that seems like a compromise (or perhaps a synthesis) between the Alliance/Council and Cerberus. After playing the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC, I thought this notion was all but confirmed! At least that way, you'd be taking your orders from someone you have an emotional attachment to, instead of some emotionless admiral that you don't really care about. It just makes no sense that Shepard would go back to work for people who screwed him over in the past.
So Shepard is basically handed the blue prints to an ancient Prothean Reaper-killing device, and for some reason he thinks his best bet is to form alliances. Bullshit! Shepard should have been like, "These guys have screwed me over once too often. I'm putting all of my effort into this Crucible thing." That should have been the Main Quest, building the Crucible and tracking down the necessary components to completing it. I agree with the game's sense of scale; you shouldn't be looking for like one scientist or a single heat-sink. You should be looking for a whole team of Salarian specialists or like a top-sectret Turian mass effect drive-core. And then along the way, you make friends who agree to help you with the war. But instead, you do it the other way around, looking for friends instead of focusing on the Crucible. This shit's just bass-ackwards.
I also have a problem with the way the Main Quest is structured. This game is decidedly linear. Instead of being given an overall objective and the freedom to decide which missions to do next, you're basically told where to go every step of the way. You can't even pretend to think that a side quest might be your next best step, because every mission that advances the story is annoyingly labelled "Priority." Thanks.
But at least your choices from the previous games still matter, right? Well . . . yes and no. But overall the way the game integrated past choices was much weaker than ME2. I think a good example of this is the Rachni Queen. That was a big decision going all the way back to ME1, and a lot of people were anticipating it. But regardless of what you did in the first game, there are still Rachni in the third. I guess the developers didn't want to exclude content from people who had made the "wrong" choice. But isn't that the whole point? Choices matter, and there should be consequences for certain decisions you make. I realize that not all your decisions can be world-shattering, but their should at least be something. Here's a few examples of choices that make absolutely no difference in the third game: what to do with the Geth Heretics, what to do with the Collector Base, should the Quarians go to war? I guess Shepard isn't as influential as you once thought.
Is there a positive example of how your past choices affect ME3? Maelon's research data on the Genophage. What you did with that was pretty important. And everyone who survives the Suicide Mission makes an appearance in the game. But that's about it. Everything just boils down to War Assets in the end, but I'll get to that later.
There are some good things about the story. The game has some pretty powerful character moments, and I teared up more than once. Also, the completion of the Genophage and Geth story lines are extremely touching. But I wonder if these elements would have been as moving if the groundwork hadn't already been laid in the previous games.
On a final note, I want to touch on the few new characters that ME3 introduces. They're pretty bland. Almost all the key characters from the past games were not only complex and multilayered, but offered unique insight into the Universe and story. What does James Vega offer the Mass Effect series?
Think of a character like Mordin Solus. What's the first thing that comes to mind? His funny voice, his work on the Genophage, or maybe his musical number? Any of these answers (and more) would be acceptable, because Mordin is a multilayered character. He has hopes, fears, reasonings, philosophies. He's complex and that makes him feel like a real person.
Now think of a character like Steve Cortez. What's the first thing that comes to mind? Probably the fact that he's miserable because his husband died, oh and that he's gay. That's really all there is to him. I don't have a problem with gay characters in my games, but it seems like he was thrown in there just in case Shepard wanted some man-loving. He's even in a vulnerable state; he's just begging to be seduced. But supposedly he's there to fly your shuttle. Do I even need to know who my shuttle pilot is? That's what Joker is for. I almost wish the new characters weren't even there, so I could spend more time with the interesting people.
The dialogue system in this game actually took a step backwards by removing the middle option from every conversation. I guess BioWare felt it was time that you align yourself with one of the other choices, but the past two games already forced that issue with all the big choices. I should be allowed to still be on the fence about certain issues, or perhaps favor compromise. Also, some entire conversations take place without the dialogue wheel. Yeah, definitely a step backwards.
Lastly, the Paragon/Renegade Interrupts are not nearly as badass this time around. Instead of doing awesome stuff, you pretty much just interrupt the dialogue with, well, more dialogue.
If this game did one thing right, it's the combat. The controls are tighter than they're ever been. Shepard is now much more mobile and has more tricks at his disposal. Now, any class can use any gun, but the weight of your gear will affect your power cool-down times, so you have to make tactical choices about what gear you bring into the field. Also, the level design has thankfully opened back up, and can even be used for tactical benefits.
A great addition to the combat is the amount of enemy types. They've never been so varied. Each and every enemy you come across utilizes different tactics and requires you to engage them in different ways. Many of them demand that you to work with your squad to bring them down, which then prompts you to pick a balanced squad for every mission.
If one thing can be said about this game, it's that combat is fun, fluid, and challenging. Oh, wait, except for the turret segments. Those were basically just filler. Every single time you jump into a turret, the story and your entire impact on it stops for thirty seconds while you shoot at random shit. Did you notice that the one time you're shooting the turret at a Reaper, it has absolutely no affect? You just shoot for no reason until the next cutscene plays. Why is that even in the game?
After two failed attempts to create an engaging exploration mechanic, ME3 scraps everything in favor of pushing a single button as you navigate the galaxy map to scan for useful resources. Sometimes you'll find stuff. Sometimes you'll find Reapers, forcing you to flee the system you're currently scanning. The aforementioned stuff boil down to three things (none of which you need): credits, fuel, and War Assets. Okay, here we go:
War Assets are one of the worst things about this game. It's an un-engaging system that has little to no affect on the actual game. These War Assets all have fancy names like "Javelin Missiles" or "9th Turian Fleet," but they all boil down to an arbitrary number. All those numbers totaled up are supposed to represent your current military might. But regardless of what your number is, you'll get the same cutscenes for the final battle, and you'll still defeat the Reapers.
Okay, to be fair, the ending will slightly change. There are basically three levels of success. Go in with the minimum number of War Assets available and most of Earth will get destroyed. Go in with a little bit more, and some some of Earth (ie: Big Ben) will get destroyed. Go in with just a little bit more, and Earth will basically be fine. But if you import a campaign and do basically all the major side quests (the ones with your ME2 squad mates), you'll have more than enough to get the "best" possible ending. That makes this system basically useless, but I guess that's a good thing, because otherwise you'd have to fly around the whole galaxy looking for random crap to boost your arbitrary number.
This is really a huge missed opportunity on BioWare's part. Remember the end of ME1? You got an awesome boss fight and one last major decision to make. ME2 took that up a notch, by giving you more choices that directly affected the lives of your squad. Now think of the end of Dragon Age: Origins. Remember how you collected different armies and could summon them to aid you? Well, image mixing something like that with the type of choices you had to make in ME2. You have your "9th Turian Fleet" that you found scanning random space, and you can order it here or you can order it there. But if you make the wrong choice, not only will people die, but entire civilizations will crumble, because everything comes down to this moment, and every race has thrown everything they have into this last desperate act. That's what the War Assets could have been. I kept waiting for something that epic to happen, like the story was demanding it, but it just never happened.
I like Ashely as a character. She's complex and interesting. But damn, she's a crappy girlfriend. I waited all the way through ME2 in hopes of patching things up with her. But after saving the galaxy TWICE! she still questions who's side you're on. Remember that laundry list of character flaws I alluded to earlier? Well, you can add trust issues to it. At the times when you need her love and support the most, she's unable to give it. Eventually, you can get her back on your side, but in my opinion, it's too little, too late. It's a shame too, because she really is a great character. But you'd have to be crazy to stick with that.
Liara's unflinching affection holds true! She never gives up on you, and she's with you from the beginning till the end, a constant source of support, motivation, and affection. She's smart and sweet, but would tear a living creature apart with her mind if she had to, to save you. What else is there to say about her? She is - for lack of a better word - perfect.
Again, I don't find the romance with Miranda too compelling. The fact that she's barely in this last game only solidifies my opinion that a romance with her is just not worth your time.
Like Liara, Tali's support is unwavering. My only problem is that she first appears kind of late in the game, so you don't get to spend a lot of time with her. Still, she's worth the wait.
The ending to this game sucks. Not because "your choices don't matter." They do; they got you this far. Not because the final choices "are stupid." They're not; they test your resolve by demanding that you give up at least one thing, no matter what. The ending sucks because it lacks resolution. Your final choice does something, but who knows what, and you can only cross your fingers that it's for the best. Luckily, the Extended Cut fixes all of that. Here's what I think of the various conclusions:
This is my favorite ending, for a few reasons. It's what you set out to do from the beginning. It allows life to continue naturally, without the interference of some overlord figure. It allows for the possibility of Shepard living. And because I've reasoned all the negative aspects away. True, the Catalyst tells you that choosing this will destroy all synthetics, including yourself because of your implants, but I think he was just bullshiting you. I have several reasons for this.
1) The Geth. We know that Geth programs are stored in serves. In ME2, we learn some of those serves are stored in facilities "between stars." Since the Crucibles energy is carried by the Mass Relays, and since virtually all the Relays are strategically place near solar systems, it's easy for me to believe that some of these hubs escaped the blast. And if you've gotten the Geth this far, then they already have Legion's upgrades, and don't need additonal units to maintain intelligence. Hence, there race still exists.
2) EDI. Earlier in the game, you here a conversation between Adams and Donnely where it's revealed that EDI's processes have fully integrated into the Normandy. This suggests that the ship was space worthy before she was installed, but now would not be space worthy without her. Following that line of thought, after the Crucible fires, we later see the Normandy repaired and fly away. This suggests that EDI is still function in some way, shape, or form.
3) Shepard. This ending still gives you the infamous breath-sequence, suggesting that Shepard lives. If Shepard, who was at ground-zero of the blast, survived, I have a hard time believing it did any real damage to other synthetics.
So, yeah, best possible ending. Am I grasping at straws? Yes. Does that work for me? You betcha! I do wish it had voice-over from a different character. Admiral Hackett is kind of boring.
I also really like this ending. Yeah, Shepard basically becomes a god. And he now controls the Reapers to do his bidding. That's really cool in a fascist, totalitarian sort of way. I think this is a good choice for any Renegade. Probably the most badass of the endings.
This is my least favorite of the endings, not because of what it does, but because of the conclusions it draws. I don't agree with it's ideas. Homogenization and the sharing of all perspectives will not lead to sustained peace, nor will sustained peace lead to utopia. Others will eventually use this shared perspective for their own benefit. This will lead to conflict, which is important, because without conflict, there is no innovation or advancement. A society without conflict will become stagnant, as they have no need to innovate.
Or, at least that's my belief.
This is, of course, the least developed of the endings, which is a shame. I don't think there should be a way to "win" while picking this option. That's not the point. The point is to be defiant to the end. But I do think this ending deserves a similar slide-show treatment that the others got. I want to know more about the next cycle. Who are they? How did they find Liara's records? What else did they find? Did they build a Crucible, or defeat the Reapers through some other means? Sadly, we'll never know.
I have not yet played the Leviathan DLC, but I've read up on it, and I don't think I'll be purchasing it. The origin of the Reapers does not interest me, most because it doesn't matter. Knowing that they started out as giant sea monsters does not tell you how to stop them or help you understand them.
There are many remaining unanswered question about the Reapers. They're armor is nearly indestructible. Their attacks are incomprehensibly powerful. Their power source is apparently infinite. How are these things possible. In a Sc-Fi series that goes into so much detail about how it's technology works, I think these are important questions.
But what really interests me is what motivates the Reapers. See, I don't have a problem with the Catalyst's flawed logic. Yes, it's flawed, but we live in a flawed world, and people use flawed logic all the time (did you not read my thoughts on the Destroy ending?). But it's clear to me that the Reapers take an unholy pleasure in their harvesting. They were built for preservation, but they have become obsessed with destruction.
The mystery of the Reapers is one of the reasons why they're so interesting, so I don't expect all these questions to be answered. But these are the kinds of things I'd like to see future DLC explore.
As far as the story is concerned, this one stumbled coming out of the gate. Yet it's still a fun game, if not the most engrossing in the series. And the fact that this trilogy has any conclusion at all is an incredible achievement.
In Conclusion . . .
Mass Effect is one of the greatest series in video game history. None of them are perfect, but then, nothing is. They all have their strengths and weaknesses, and they all are worth playing. They all unfold a galaxy of possibilities before us, just daring us to take the next step. They offer different experiences to everyone who plays them. They have elevated the art of video games many time over.
They are an experience that I will treasure until the end of time.
Great Trilogy review , I'm a massive Mass Effect fan (to the point where I own the art book and have played each game multiple times) and I honestly hadn't thought about some of 3's Destroy ending in such a positive light until you brought it up. I also wrote a big retrospective on my blog but honestly i'd say yours is better. Keep up the good work :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading!
DeleteI think the point that I forgot to make about the Extended Cut - as I pounded my keyboard into the wee hours of the morning - is that there is no "right" ending. Mass Effect has never put any value on which moral path you follow (as opposed to something like KOTOR where turning to the Dark Side is clearly evil). Instead, it places all value on the choice; not what you choose, but the fact that you choose something. The only thing this whole series wants you to do is choose something. Hence, all of the final choices are morally ambiguous. It's not important what you choose, and their is not right choice; your choice is reflective of what YOU value, not what the game values. I think BioWare wanted the player to draw their own conclusions. Unfortunately, they forgot to add some kind of resolution (for whatever reason). Luckily, I think the Extended Cut takes care of that. At least, it did for me.