So most of you already know that yesterday Marvel released the first trailer for it's upcoming motion picture,
The Avengers. And as most of you could assume, I've already watched it at least half a dozen times. Since I like to analyze the crap out of things, see what hidden details or secrets I can find, let's take a look at what this trailer has to offer. If you haven't seen it already, you can do so
here. Okay, let's get into the nitty-gritty!
00:16:17 - Loki appears to be attacking/breaking-in/out of some facility. Where is this? The Helicarrier maybe?
00:20:11 - What is that spear-looking item that Loki is holding?
- 01:01:16 - Is that it again in the bottom right corner? So now it's in Avenger's custody?
- 01:27:14 - Another look at Loki's spear thingy.
00:21:01-00:23:14 - Cars exploding for no apparent reason. We can now assume that many of the effects shots have not been finished, which is to be expected as the film's release date is quite far away. At least the explosions look good.
00:41:21 - Cap's new costume. Honestly, I'm not sure if I like this. While it's design is accurate to the comic book, it looks too much like, well . . . a costume, and not a uniform like in his last movie. The fact the the trailer shows very little of him in action in the full getup doesn't help.
00:42:17 - Mjolnir looks different. The haft definitely has new detail, and maybe it's the angle, but the whole thing looks larger.
00:51:18 - The Quinjet? I'm putting my money on "yes!"
00:53:07 - Tony Stark wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt. A fun little bit of fan service, and a nice nod to Jon Favreau's heavy-metal vision of the previous
Iron Man films.
01:22:12 - Thor fighting Cap. Why?
01:24:07 - Cap using an assault rifle. Interesting, as Cap usually isn't portrayed as using guns. And where's his shield in this scene?
01:28:04 - Who is shooting what?
- 01:29:04 - Thor and Cap looking up, presumably at whatever was shooting the weird energy blasts in the previous shot. Who/what are they looking at? The Skrull?
General Impressions
Overall, I like this trailer. It hints at some of the tension between characters, and hopefully will fulfill that group dynamic we've been waiting for. It certainly looks like Robert Downey Jr. will continue to steal the show.
I'd like to see a little more of the Hulk, and I hope he gets some lines beyond the obligatory "Hulk smash!" Also, let's get a glimpse of this mystery-thing in the air that everyone is looking up at. We already know that the Avengers are an epic team, but they need a villain worthy of their epicness. Give us a clue as to what kind of challenge they're facing!
There's potential for this to be a bit cheesy. The Nick Fury speech at the beginning is kind of lame, but I get the distinct impression that it's cut to match the pacing of the trailer, and may even be taken from multiple scenes. And I'm betting Tony's "we'll avenge it" line doesn't make the final cut. As for now, I trust this film's creative team.
Well, those are my thoughts anyway. What did you think of the trailer?